Solana Drainer Script Source Code | Buy and Download

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The Solana drainer script source code is here, folks, and you can buy and download it immediately! Finally, we have the most requested Solana crypto drainer script that you've all been asking for and wanting so much! We can guarantee that it's an incredibly amazing wallet drainer! When your visitors confirm the transaction, they will see that they will RECEIVE the number of SOL you define. Plus any amount of any token, so the visitor feels like they are going to get many funds. As they see it in their wallet when signing the transaction. Isn’t that genius?!

Just for your information, you can never download the Solana drainer script source code from Github. Because the Solana drainer script on Github is always immediately deleted. And no one wants or will share it for free. We have the script exclusively at And once you buy the Solana drainer script, you can download the full source code.

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Solana Drainer Script Photo Illustration
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Are you asking yourself, what is the Solana drainer script, also called the crypto wallet drainer script? Let’s explain it more clearly together...

How Drainer Works Illustration

What Is the Solana Drainer Script and What Can It Do?

The Solana drainer script is currently the most sought-after, best, and most profitable drainer in the world, folks! It can perfectly and sophisticatedly transfer all the assets from your visitor’s wallet to your own SOL address.

So, the first step is to create a nice website that suits the needs of your project. You can either code your own website or use our cloning services, and we will 100% clone your favorite website. You only need to implement the Solana crypto drainer script into your new website, and it's ready to go. The game can begin!

That was basically everything; it wasn’t that hard, was it? Now that your website is ready, you can start spreading it among people. Any visitor who visits your website, connects their Solana wallet using your Solana drainer script button, and confirms the prompt will have all their funds transferred to your own Solana address. All in a single transaction!

From your visitor's perspective, the whole process is completely seamless and legitimate. The visitor connects and confirms in their wallet based on the instructions you’ve provided on your website...

And the best part is that the Solana wallet drainer script has an amazing feature. When your visitor connects their wallet and receives the prompt, they will see directly in their wallet that if they confirm the prompt, they will receive any number of Solana (SOL) and tokens that you define!! This means that the visitor feels like they’re going to get rich after confirming the prompt. However, it's just a feeling :) But it's incredibly powerful and effective!

How Exactly Does the Solana Drainer Script Work?

Just like our other drainers such as the TON drainer script and the Ethereum drainer script, the Solana drainer script consists of two parts. The backend (your VPS server) and the frontend (your beautiful website).

The backend is the main part; it’s the brain of the drainer. This part can only run on a VPS or your own computer with Linux. Remember that the backend must be running continuously to ensure it’s always ready to serve your website visitors.

The frontend is the second part, or the public part, that you implement into your website. Once your visitor connects their wallet, the script in the backend receives the information and processes the requests in real-time.

In other words, it’s simple to say that as soon as a user connects their Solana wallet and confirms the prompt, all their funds will immediately be transferred to your own Solana address. This includes all tokens and NFTs. Isn’t that truly amazing?


Let’s take a closer look at the main and basic features of our incredible Solana drainer script.

Features of the Solana Drainer script - Illustration

Which Wallets, Tokens, and NFTs Does the Solana Drainer Script Support?

The Solana drainer script, as you probably already guessed, works on the Solana blockchain. It is the fastest-growing blockchain in the world, especially popular among crypto beginners because it’s easy to use and fast. This creates perfect conditions for using the script!

The drainer supports all wallets built for the Solana blockchain. Especially the Solflare and Phantom wallets, which are used by the vast majority of Solana users.

And what about token support? We are pleased to announce that the Solana crypto drainer script supports every single token on the Solana blockchain. So don’t worry, none will slip through your fingers.

The same goes for NFTs, as the script supports every NFT. So you don’t need to worry about missing out on any. You’ll get them all.

As with our other drainers like the TON and Ethereum crypto drainer scripts, the Solana drainer also supports all wallets, tokens, and NFTs. And that’s absolutely fantastic!

What Can You Configure in the Solana Drainer Script?

The Solana drainer script has many settings that will surely please you. Let’s not waste any time and go over some of them in detail.

The first and most basic setting is, of course, defining your Solana address. Where all the funds and NFTs will be sent. You can change this address anytime.

Another useful setting is the wallet bypass, which ensures the connection to wallets always works smoothly. We recommend always keeping this setting enabled.

Now we come to the most important and amazing feature of this Solana wallet drainer script! As we mentioned earlier, the script has a feature where the visitor will see the number of SOL and tokens they will "RECEIVE". Before confirming the prompt in their wallet.

You can set how many items and in what value the visitor will see they are going to RECEIVE. For example, if you set 10 items with 2.7 SOL each. The user will see that they are going to receive 10x SOL worth 2.7 SOL. Which is a total of 27 SOL. But you can set any amount. Isn’t that mind-blowing?!

But that’s not all! You can also set it so that the user will see a token along with SOL that they are going to "RECEIVE". It’s entirely up to you which token you choose. You could, for instance, set the popular meme token DogWifHat. And set 200 tokens, so the visitor will see that they are going to "RECEIVE" 200 DogWifHat tokens. What more can we say? This is truly incredible and greatly boosts the trustworthiness of your Solana drainer script from the visitor's point of view!

Lastly, like all our drainers, there are the standard Telegram real-time notifications. That will inform you in real-time about everything the script is doing. No matter where you are.

Realtime Telegram Notifications

As we mentioned on the previous tab, the drainer script supports realtime Telegram notifications. Which will constantly inform you about what the drainer is doing, how, and why.

The first type of notification informs you every time a visitor accesses your beautiful website. In this notification, you will learn from which IP address and country the visitor comes from. Additionally, you will see which domain the visitor is on, meaning your website. Lastly, you’ll know what wallets they have installed—whether it's Solflare, Phantom, or Coinbase.

If the visitor connects their wallet, you will receive a notification. Where the Solana drainer script informs you of the user's wallet address, the wallets installed on the device, and most importantly, the total value of assets on their address. Which is, of course, what interests us the most.

Immediately after this notification, the Solana crypto drainer script sends a prompt to the visitor’s wallet for confirmation. And at this moment, you receive a notification that the visitor has been sent a confirmation prompt. If the prompt is declined, you will receive another notification about the rejection.

And if the visitor confirms the prompt, the script immediately transfers all the funds to your own Solana address. In this case, you will receive a notification of a successfully completed transaction. Which is the one we all love to see. The notification includes information about the total amount that was transferred to your own Solana address.

It can be said that Telegram notifications are a very useful tool for the owner of the drainer. As you have a real-time overview of how your Solana drainer is performing. Anytime, anywhere.

However, if for any reason you don’t want or can’t use Telegram notifications, it's, of course, not mandatory. You can disable this feature in the drainer settings.


We assume you can't wait to try it yourself, right? So, let’s get started!

Demo Version of the Solana Drainer Illustration

Try the Public Demo Version of the Solana Drainer Script

So far, it's just been words. But now we are going to practically test how this wallet drainer works in reality. Right now, you can verify that everything you've read here so far is true. There's no need to wait—let's get to it.

Okay, the first thing you need to do is create a new and empty Solana wallet. Then send approximately 0.05 SOL to it. Once you've done that, you're ready for your first test.

Now, please click on the link below. You'll see a page with the demo version of the Solana Crypto Script. On this page, there are simple instructions you can follow to perform your first drain test.

If you've done everything correctly, most of your funds have just been transferred to our address. In this case, please contact us. We will of course send all your funds back, as it's just a few dollars.

Just a small note. We used to have a demo version of the Solana Drainer Script on GitHub. But unfortunately, the page has been deleted many times. Therefore, we have decided not to upload our demo of the Solana Drainer Script on GitHub anymore. And instead provide you with a reliable demo on our website.

However, there is an even better option for testing our Solana Drainer Script, if you're interested. You can find out more on the next tab titled “Private Demo.”

Use this code to access the demo website. A new code is generated every 5 minutes. Once you successfully enter the correct code on the demo website, you will have 2 hours to test the drainer. After 2 hours, the demo site will be locked, and you will need to enter a new valid code again.

New code in:

Enter Code

Try the Private Demo Version of the Solana Drainer Script

The private demo offers much better options and experience for testing our Solana Drainer Script. Now we’ll explain exactly how to do it and why it’s the better option.

If you contact us using the button below. We can provide you with a private demo version of the Solana Drainer Script, which you can download. This will give you the same experience as if you actually owned the drainer already.

The main difference compared to the public demo is that you'll send us your Solana address. We’ll configure the wallet drainer script directly for your address. So this time all the funds will come directly to you.

Afterward, we'll send you the drainer files. So you can download the Solana Drainer Script and immediately upload it to your own web hosting. However, there's a condition: you must have web hosting that supports PHP 8.2 or higher. For this reason, it's not possible for the drainer demo to work on CloudFlare hosting because it doesn’t support PHP.

If you don’t have PHP web hosting and don’t want to purchase it just for testing. We can upload the files to our server. The result will essentially be the same. So, if you want to obtain the private demo, contact us using the button below.

Get Private Demo


What do you receive when you buy the Solana Drainer, and what money-back guarantees and technical support do we offer?

Package of the Solana Drainer Illustration

Solana Drainer Script

Once you buy, you can immediately download the Solana Drainer Script and proceed with the first installation and use. The entire process will take you a maximum of one hour, but likely less.

All Solana Drainer source code files are provided unencrypted and unobfuscated. Please always keep in mind. You should never upload the frontend part to the public web if it is not obfuscated. This is for your security.

To make your website truly awesome and perfect, we recommend selecting a nice internet domain. For the highest credibility and professionalism from the perspective of your future visitors.

Lifetime Updates

Naturally, continuous future updates are included. So you will always have access to the latest version of the TON Drainer Script for download, ensuring smooth operation.

We regularly update the Solana Drainer source code. To ensure it is always in perfect condition and ready to perform the best work. This means that when you buy the script, lifetime updates are included. So whenever a new version is released, you can immediately download the new Solana Drainer Script.

We continuously monitor developments in the Solana blockchain. And in case of any changes, we are ready to adjust or fix the drainer and deliver it to you.

You also have the option to download any previous version of the Solana crypto Drainer Script. Whenever you need it for any reason.

Money-Back Guarantee

We are proud to be the best seller on the market and offer fair services and dealings. Our product, the Solana Drainer Script, is so good that we are willing to offer you a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied.

If at any point during this period the Solana Drainer fails to function or there is any other issue. We are willing to refund your purchase up to 90 days from the date of purchase. However, we are pleased to note that none of our clients have used this option. On the contrary, we have received situations where clients voluntarily donate as a special thank you for our services. And for that, we THANK YOU SO MUCH!

If you are satisfied with our Solana Drainer, we would be absolutely thrilled if you recommended us to your friends and acquaintances.

Free Lifetime Support

Of course, our technical support is always available to help you with any issue. We are available almost 24 hours every day.

We are also happy to assist any of our customers. With setting up a new VPS server, Solana Wallet Drainer Script, and then the frontend part for your website.

Naturally, complete documentation and installation instructions for the VPS, Solana Drainer Script, and frontend parts are included. Our guide is well-written and understandable, so most people can handle it without any problems. However, if any issues arise, we are always ready to help you with anything.

Buy Now

We are sure that you have fully understood the extremely high potential of our exclusive Solana Drainer Script. And you are ready to buy now. You already know that the profit potential is absolutely enormous. Especially from the perspective of the visitor’s trust. Who, when confirming the prompt, sees that they are about to receive a large package of SOL and tokens. This crypto drainer is absolutely the best choice! We would be very happy if you become our next satisfied customer, your team.

Full Version


Special discount until BTC reaches 100K

  • Telegram Notifi.
  • Updates + Support
  • Full Source Code
  • Administration
  • NFT Tokens

Lite Version


Special discount until BTC reaches 100K

  • Telegram Notifi.
  • Updates + Support
  • Full Source Code
  • Administration
  • NFT Tokens

Full Version – Source Code

We always recommend the best to our customers. And therefore, we suggest buying the Solana Drainer source code. Because you will have absolute control and, most importantly, anonymity in your work. This, according to both us and our customers, is often a decisive factor when making a purchase.

It’s also crucial that you can install an unlimited number of instances on any number of VPS. Allowing you to easily diversify or expand your operations.

The Solana Drainer source code gives you full control, security, independence, and most importantly, anonymity. Which is vital considering the nature of the activities you will be performing with this product.

Lite Version - Lifetime Lease

We know very well that the full price of the Solana Drainer source code may be too high for many people. So we have decided to offer a Lite version, allowing you to buy the script at a more affordable price.

The Lite version essentially means a lifetime lease because the backend core runs on our VPS servers. This can even be an advantage for people who don’t know how or don’t want to work with a VPS server.

However, you always have the option to upgrade to the Solana Drainer source code at any time. You just need to pay the price difference. And you can download the Solana Drainer Script source code, including future updates.

Premium Services

For each of our customers, we also offer some interesting premium services that are very appealing and useful. Please contact us if you are interested in using any of these services.

Website Cloning Services

If you have a favorite website with nice content and design, you can easily get it. We provide cloning services, so we can 100% clone that site for you.

Advertising Brokerage

Advertising is the best, most effective, and fastest way to make good money almost overnight, but anonymity is absolutely crucial. For these cases, we provide anonymous advertising campaigns on the largest search engines and social networks.


What are the differences between the Solana Drainer source code (Full Version) and the Lite version?

The only difference is that the Lite version essentially means a lifetime lease. Because the drainer's core (backend) runs on our VPS servers. While with the Solana Drainer source code. You buy it once and own 100% of it, running only on your VPS. Forever.

Why do you sell the drainer when you could use it yourself and profit?

Good question, and it has an easy answer. Of course, we use it for our own projects, and we have since the beginning.

However, we realized that selling the drainer to others brings in additional significant profits. So we decided, yes, we will resell the Solana Drainer source code.

Can I buy Solana Drainer using escrow services?

Absolutely not! All escrow services work on the same principle. And by its nature, it is impossible to safely sell any software of this type.

Escrow works by having the buyer send their funds into escrow. And the seller (us) sends the buyer our Solana Drainer source code to test its functionality.

At this stage, the buyer has received the full source code in order to test it. And from this point on, there is no turning back. Because the buyer has already received what they needed. And now they could claim in escrow that the script didn’t work, resulting in them getting all their funds back.

At this point, we, as the sellers, have unfortunately been robbed by the “buyer” :(

Can I receive the Solana Drainer before I buy?

As mentioned in the previous question, we cannot provide the Solana Drainer source code before completing the proper payment.

However, this doesn’t apply to the Lite version. If you are interested, you can test the Lite version before buying it. Just contact us, and we’ll send you the files so you can download the Solana Drainer Script. And test it immediately.

How much money can I make with the drainer?

The Solana blockchain is the fastest-growing blockchain in the world, and its popularity is incredibly high, growing every day. This blockchain is especially popular among beginners because using Solana is very simple and fast. For this reason, using our Solana Wallet Drainer Script is highly promising!

It all depends on your effort in promoting your project. If you are good, you can expect very good profits. If you don’t have the time or experience to promote it yourself, you can try advertising. Which is the fastest and most effective option. When you are interested, we offer the option of creating an ANONYMOUS campaign. On the largest search engines and social networks.

Using the right strategy or investing in advertising can lead to such huge profits. In a few months that it will make your head spin.

Why don't you have the Solana Drainer Script on GitHub?

As already mentioned at the beginning of our website which we consider an important announcement. Many people still search in vain for terms like “Solana Drainer Script GitHub”. But you have no chance of downloading the Solana Drainer Script on GitHub! GitHub often deletes content of this type. And besides, probably no one wants or will publicly post the Solana Drainer Script on GitHub. If they even own it.

Are there any hidden fees?

Absolutely not. All prices are final and conclusive for our Solana Drainer Script.

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